Application Cluster the best way to share photos safely for users of Android
Exceed applications to share files and images for Android, including applications to share files and images are encrypted and secure to ensure confidentiality of the senders and the future of these files.
Of these applications, the application of Cluster and chosen as the best Google Android apps for 2013, which is a platform to share photos easily with a guarantee of confidentiality for these files, the application like instagram settings but with the largest in terms of privacy.
When you have uploaded to a photo album or a full application will give you a great package of tools to control the privacy of these pictures, where you will be able to invite people to watch this particular image or choose their participation in general.
And you can choose to share the application of these images with specific people from your contact list or through a dedicated code is generated by the application of then you share with those who want to through the application or the Web.
The idea of the Cluster do not need to describe; just select the picture / pictures and choose with whom you share, you will ensure the application of the participation of these images securely, So So be assured; will not see these pictures you except you choose and you share photos with him.
Unlike other applications that provide the ability to share images in particular and the believer, Cluster provides the ability to share these images in general, too.
You can download the application from here :